viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

The life of Tennyson

Alfred Lord Tennyson was born in Somersby on 6 august of 1809 and he died on 6 october of 1892 in Surrey , England . 
Tennyson is one of the english poets more illustrious of the Universal Literature . Is belonging to the

His parents were George Tennyson and Elisabeth Fytche .
Tennyson was descentdant the king Eduardo III of England . Tennyson and two of his brothers , Frederick Tennyson and Charles Tennyson started to write poetry  in his  teens. They published of local level a joint collection when Alfred had 17 years .                                                      

The formation of Alfred,was impart of his father. He started to write with sixteen years and in 1827 he published a volume of poetry with his brother Charles, "Poems by two brothers".
He came to The Grammar School "King Edward" and in 1828. He entered in the Trinity College in Cambridge, where he won the gold medal of the prize "Chancellor". He was part of the Cambridge Apostles.
In 1830, Tennyson published Poems, chiefly lyrical.

After the death of a friend , Alfred wasn´t publish during ten years not a single verse . This silence would be according to some the result of the shock by the loss his best friend , according to others was due to discouragement before  the bad reception that had his two volume of poetry , it published that same year , and that it included " La dama de sholat " one of his more famous poetry .
In 1835 , he fell in love profoundly of Rosa Baring , a lady of great beauty and fortune , whose defeat he inspired him some of his poetry more hurt and he reminded him of his precarious social  position .

In 1836he knew to Emily Sellwood with who he married in 1850, three years after of the publication of "The Princess". In 1852 the couple had his first children, for then the fame to Tennyson was already solidly establish, and in 1854 they having to move to the island of Wight to escape of the fan.

The Queen  Victoria was an admirer the work to Tennyson appointing hin Baron in 1884.